privacy policy













  1. This privacy policy of the Website is for information purposes only, which means that it is not a source of obligations for the Service Users of the Website. The privacy policy primarily contains the principles regarding the processing of personal data by the Administrator on the Website, including the basis, purposes and scope of personal data processing and the rights of data subjects, as well as information on the use of cookies and analytical tools on the Website.

  2. The administrator of personal data collected via the Website is BOMEGA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY with its registered office in Twardogóra (registered office address: ul. Długa 2B, 56-416 Twardogóra and correspondence address: ul. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego 74/320, 50-529 Wrocław) entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register by the District Court for Wrocław-Fabryczna in Wrocław, 9th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the KRS number: 0000841054,
    NIP: 9112034523, REGON: 386056613, share capital of PLN 20,000.00
    ł, e-mail address: [email protected], telephone number: ___________ – zwana dalej „Administratorem” i będąca jednocześnie Usługodawcą Serwisu Internetowego.

  3. Dane osobowe w Serwisie Internetowym przetwarzane są przez Administratora zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami prawa, w szczególności zgodnie z rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (ogólne rozporządzenie o ochronie danych) – zwane dalej „RODO” lub „Rozporządzenie RODO”. Oficjalny tekst Rozporządzenia RODO:

  4. Korzystanie ze Serwisu Internetowego, w tym zawieranie umów jest dobrowolne. Podobnie związane z tym podanie danych osobowych przez korzystającego ze Serwisu Internetowego Usługobiorcę jest dobrowolne, z zastrzeżeniem dwóch wyjątków: (1) zawieranie umów z Administratorem – niepodanie w przypadkach i w zakresie wskazanym na stronie Serwisu Internetowego oraz w Regulaminie Serwisu Internetowego i niniejszej polityce prywatności danych osobowych niezbędnych do zawarcia i wykonania Umowy Sprzedaży lub umowy o świadczenie Usługi Elektronicznej z Administratorem skutkuje brakiem możliwości zawarcia tejże umowy. Podanie danych osobowych jest w takim wypadku wymogiem umownym i jeżeli osoba, które dane dotyczą chce zawrzeć daną umowę z Administratorem, to jest zobowiązana do podania wymaganych danych. Każdorazowo zakres danych wymaganych do zawarcia umowy wskazany jest uprzednio na stronie Serwisu Internetowego oraz w Regulaminie Serwisu Internetowego; (2) obowiązki ustawowe Administratora – podanie danych osobowych jest wymogiem ustawowym wynikającym z powszechnie obowiązujących przepisów prawa nakładających na Administratora obowiązek przetwarzania danych osobowych (np. przetwarzanie danych w celu prowadzenia ksiąg podatkowych lub rachunkowych) i brak ich podania uniemożliwi Administratorowi wykonanie tychże obowiązków.

  5. The Administrator takes special care to protect the interests of persons whose personal data he processes, and in particular is responsible and ensures that the data he collects are: (1) processed in accordance with the law; (2) collected for specified, lawful purposes and not subject to further processing incompatible with these purposes; (3) substantively correct and adequate in relation to the purposes for which they are processed; (4) stored in a form which allows identification of persons to whom they relate, no longer than is necessary to achieve the purpose of processing and (5) processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organizational measures.

  6. Taking into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing and the risk of violation of the rights or freedoms of natural persons with varying probability and severity of threat, the Controller shall implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that processing is carried out in accordance with this Regulation and to be able to demonstrate this. These measures are reviewed and updated as necessary. The Controller shall apply technical measures to prevent unauthorized persons from obtaining and modifying personal data sent electronically.

  7. All words, expressions and acronyms appearing in this privacy policy and beginning with a capital letter (e.g. Service Provider, Website, Electronic Service) should be understood in accordance with their definitions contained in the Website Regulations available on the Website pages.


  1.  The Controller is entitled to process personal data in cases where – and to the extent that – at least one of the following conditions is met: (1) the data subject has consented to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes; (2) processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract; (3) processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which the Controller is subject; or (4) processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject requiring the protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child.
  2.  The processing of personal data by the Administrator requires each time the existence of at least one of the bases indicated in point 2.1 of the privacy policy. The specific bases for the processing of personal data of Service Users of the Website by the Administrator are indicated in the next point of the privacy policy - in relation to the given purpose of processing personal data by the Administrator.


  1. Each time, the purpose, basis and period as well as the recipients of personal data processed by the Administrator result from the actions undertaken by a given Service Recipient on the Website or by the Administrator.
  2. The Administrator may process personal data within the Website for the following purposes, on the basis and during the periods indicated in the table below.

The purpose of data processing

Legal basis for data processing

Data storage period

Execution of a contract for the provision of an Electronic Service or taking action at the request of the data subject before concluding the above-mentioned contracts

Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR Regulation (performance of a contract) – processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party, or to take steps at the request of the data subject before entering into a contract

The data is stored for the period necessary to execute, terminate or otherwise expire the concluded contract. Sales Agreements or Agreements for the Provision of Electronic Services.

Direct Marketing

Article 6 section 1 letter f) of the GDPR Regulation (legitimate interest of the administrator) – processing is necessary for the purposes resulting from the legitimate interests of the Administrator – consisting in taking care of the interests and good image of the Administrator, its Website and striving to sell Products


Data is stored for the duration of the legitimate interest pursued by the Administrator, but no longer than the limitation period for the Administrator's claims against the data subject, resulting from the Administrator's business activity. The limitation period is specified by law, in particular the Civil Code (the basic limitation period for claims related to business activity is three years, and for the Sales Agreement two years).

The administrator may not process data for direct marketing purposes in the event of an effective objection in this respect by the data subject.


Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR Regulation (consent) – the data subject has consented to the processing of his or her personal data for marketing purposes by the Controller

The data is stored until the data subject withdraws consent to further processing of his or her data for this purpose.

The Customer's expression of opinion on the concluded Sales Agreement

Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR Regulation – the data subject has consented to the processing of his or her personal data for the purpose of expressing an opinion

The data is stored until the data subject withdraws consent to further processing of his or her data for this purpose.


Article 6 section 1 letter c) of the GDPR Regulation in connection with Article 74 section 2 of the Accounting Act of 30 January 2018 (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 395, as amended) – processing is necessary to fulfil the legal obligation incumbent on the Controller

The data is stored for the period required by law requiring the Administrator to store accounting records (5 years from the beginning of the year following the financial year to which the data relates).

Determining, pursuing or defending claims that may be raised by the Administrator or that may be raised against the Administrator

Article 6 paragraph 1 letter f) of the GDPR Regulation (legitimate interest of the administrator) – processing is necessary for the purposes resulting from the legitimate interests of the Administrator – consisting in determining, pursuing or defending claims that may be raised by the Administrator or that may be raised against the Administrator

The data is stored for the duration of the legitimate interest pursued by the Administrator, but no longer than the limitation period for claims that may be brought against the Administrator (the basic limitation period for claims against the Administrator is six years).

Using the Website and ensuring its proper operation

Article 6 paragraph 1 letter f) of the GDPR Regulation (legitimate interest of the administrator) – processing is necessary for the purposes resulting from the legitimate interests of the Administrator – consisting in running and maintaining the Website

Data is stored for the duration of the legitimate interest pursued by the Administrator, but no longer than the limitation period for the Administrator's claims against the data subject, resulting from the Administrator's business activity. The limitation period is specified by law, in particular the Civil Code (the basic limitation period for claims related to business activity is three years).

Maintaining statistics and analyzing traffic on the Website

Article 6 section 1 letter f) of the GDPR Regulation (legitimate interest of the administrator) – processing is necessary for the purposes resulting from the legitimate interests of the Administrator – consisting in keeping statistics and analyzing traffic on the Website in order to improve the functioning of the Website and increase sales of Products

Data is stored for the duration of the legitimate interest pursued by the Administrator, but no longer than the limitation period for the Administrator's claims against the data subject, resulting from the Administrator's business activity. The limitation period is specified by law, in particular the Civil Code (the basic limitation period for claims related to business activity is three years).


  1. For the proper functioning of the Website, including the implementation of concluded Sales Agreements, it is necessary for the Administrator to use the services of external entities (such as a software provider or a payment service provider). The Administrator only uses the services of such processing entities that provide sufficient guarantees for the implementation of appropriate technical and organizational measures so that the processing meets the requirements of the GDPR Regulation and protects the rights of data subjects.

  2. The Controller does not transfer data in every case and not to all recipients or categories of recipients indicated in the privacy policy – the Controller transfers data only when it is necessary to achieve a given purpose of personal data processing and only to the extent necessary to achieve it.

  3. The personal data of the Service Users of the Website may be transferred to the following recipients or categories of recipients:

  • entities handling electronic or card payments – w przypadku Usługobiorcy, który korzysta w Serwisie Internetowym ze sposobu płatności elektronicznych lub kartą płatniczą Administrator udostępnia zebrane dane osobowe Usługobiorcy wybranemu podmiotowi obsługującemu powyższe płatności w Serwisie Internetowym na zlecenie Administratora w zakresie
  • service providers supplying the Administrator with technical, IT and organizational solutions enabling the Administrator to conduct business activities, including the Website and the Electronic Services provided via it (in particular, suppliers of computer software for running the Website, e-mail and hosting providers, and suppliers of software for managing the company and providing technical support to the Administrator) – Administrator udostępnia zebrane dane osobowe Usługobiorcy wybranemu dostawcy działającemu na jego zlecenie jedynie w przypadku oraz w zakresie niezbędnym do zrealizowania danego celu przetwarzania danych zgodnego z niniejszą polityką prywatności.
  • providers of accounting, legal and advisory services providing the Controller with accounting, legal or advisory support (in particular an accounting office, law firm or debt collection company) – Administrator udostępnia zebrane dane osobowe Usługobiorcy wybranemu dostawcy działającemu na jego zlecenie jedynie w przypadku oraz w zakresie niezbędnym do zrealizowania danego celu przetwarzania danych zgodnego z niniejszą polityką prywatności.


  1. The GDPR Regulation imposes on the Controller the obligation to inform about automated decision-making, including profiling, referred to in Article 22 paragraphs 1 and 4 of the GDPR Regulation, and – at least in these cases – relevant information about the principles of their making, as well as the significance and foreseeable consequences of such processing for the data subject. With this in mind, the Controller provides information on possible profiling in this point of the privacy policy.
  2. The Administrator may use profiling on the Website for direct marketing purposes, but decisions made on its basis by the Administrator do not concern the conclusion or refusal to conclude a Sales Agreement or the possibility of using Electronic Services on the Website.
  3. Profiling on the Website consists of automatic analysis or forecasting of a given person's behavior on the Website or through analysis of the previous history of actions taken on the Website. The condition for such profiling is that the Administrator has personal data of a given person in order to be able to send them, for example, a discount code.
  4. The data subject has the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning him or her or significantly affects him or her in a similar manner.


  1. The right to access, rectify, restrict, delete or transfer – osoba, której dane dotyczą, ma prawo żądania od Administratora dostępu do swoich danych osobowych, ich sprostowania, usunięcia („prawo do bycia zapomnianym”) lub ograniczenia przetwarzania oraz ma prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania, a także ma prawo do przenoszenia swoich danych. Szczegółowe warunki wykonywania wskazanych wyżej praw wskazane są w art. 15-21 Rozporządzenia RODO.
  2. The right to withdraw consent at any time – a person whose data is processed by the Controller on the basis of expressed consent (based on art. 6 sec. 1 letter a) or art. 9 sec. 2 letter a) of the GDPR Regulation), has the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
  3. The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority – the person whose data is processed by the Administrator has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority in the manner and procedure specified in the provisions of the GDPR Regulation and Polish law, in particular the Personal Data Protection Act. The supervisory authority in Poland is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
  4. The right to object – osoba, której dane dotyczą, ma prawo w dowolnym momencie wnieść sprzeciw – z przyczyn związanych z jej szczególną sytuacją – wobec przetwarzania dotyczących jej danych osobowych opartego na art. 6 ust. 1 lit. e) (interes lub zadania publiczne) lub f) (prawnie uzasadniony interes administratora), w tym profilowania na podstawie tych przepisów. Administratorowi w takim przypadku nie wolno już przetwarzać tych danych osobowych, chyba że wykaże on istnienie ważnych prawnie uzasadnionych podstaw do przetwarzania, nadrzędnych wobec interesów, praw i wolności osoby, której dane dotyczą, lub podstaw do ustalenia, dochodzenia lub obrony roszczeń.
  5. Prawo do sprzeciwu dot. marketingu bezpośredniego – jIf personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, the data subject has the right to object at any time to the processing of his or her personal data for such marketing purposes, including profiling, to the extent that the processing is related to such direct marketing.
  6. In order to exercise the rights referred to in this point of the privacy policy, you can contact the Administrator by sending an appropriate message in writing or by e-mail to the Administrator's address indicated at the beginning of the privacy policy or by using the contact form available on the Website.


  1. Cookies are small text information in the form of text files, sent by the server and saved on the side of the person visiting the Website (e.g. on the hard drive of a computer, laptop, or on the memory card of a smartphone - depending on the device used by the visitor to our Website). Detailed information on Cookies, as well as the history of their creation can be found here:

  2. Cookies that may be sent by the Website can be divided into different types, according to the following criteria:

Due to their supplier:

  1. own (created by the Administrator's Website) and

  2. belonging to third parties/entities (other than the Administrator)

Due to the period of their storage on the device of the person visiting the Website:

  1. session (stored until you log out of the Website or close your web browser) and

  2. persistent (kept for a specified period of time, defined by the parameters of each file, or until manually deleted)

Due to the purpose of their use:

  1. necessary (enabling the proper functioning of the Website),

  2. functional/preferential (enabling customization of the Website to the preferences of the person visiting the site),

  3. analytical and performance (collecting information about how the Website is used),

  4. marketing, advertising and social (collecting information about the person visiting the Website in order to display personalized advertisements to that person and conduct other marketing activities, including on websites separate from the Website, such as social networking sites

  1. The Administrator may process data contained in Cookies when visitors use the Website for the following specific purposes:

The purposes of using Cookies on the Administrator's Website

identifying Service Users as logged in to the Website and showing that they are logged in (essential Cookies)

remembering Products added to the basket in order to place an Order (essential Cookies)

remembering data from completed forms, surveys or login details to the Website (necessary and/or functional/preference Cookies)

adapting the content of the Website to the individual preferences of the Service Recipient (e.g. regarding colours, font size, page layout) and optimising the use of the Website pages (functional/preference Cookies)

keeping anonymous statistics showing how the Website is used (statistical cookies)

remarketing, i.e. research on the behaviour of visitors to the Website through anonymous analysis of their activities (e.g. repeated visits to specific pages, keywords, etc.) in order to create their profile and provide them with advertisements tailored to their expected interests, also when they visit other websites in the advertising network of Google Ireland Ltd. and Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd. (marketing, advertising and social cookies)

  1. You can check in the most popular web browsers which Cookies (including the period of operation of Cookies and their provider) are being sent at a given moment by the Website in the following way:

In Chrome:
(1) in the address bar, click on the lock icon on the left, (2) go to the "Cookies" tab.

In Firefox:
(1) in the address bar, click the shield icon on the left, (2) go to the "Allowed" or "Blocked" tab, (3) click the "Cross-site tracking cookies", "Social media trackers" or "Content with trackers" box

In Internet Explorer:
(1) click the "Tools" menu, (2) go to the "Internet Options" tab, (3) go to the "General" tab, (4) go to the "Settings" tab, (5) click the "View files" box

In the Opera browser:
(1) in the address bar, click on the lock icon on the left, (2) go to the "Cookies" tab.

in Safari browser:
(1) click on the "Preferences" menu, (2) go to the "Privacy" tab, (3) click on the "Manage website data" box

Regardless of the browser, using the tools available on the website, for example: or:

  1. By default, most web browsers available on the market accept the saving of Cookies by default. Everyone has the ability to specify the terms of using Cookies using the settings of their own web browser. This means that, for example, you can partially limit (e.g. temporarily) or completely disable the ability to save Cookies - in the latter case, however, this may affect some functionalities of the Website (for example, it may be impossible to go through the Order path via the Order Form due to the Products not being remembered in the basket during the subsequent steps of placing the Order).

  2. The settings of the Internet browser regarding Cookies are important from the point of view of consent to the use of Cookies by our Website - in accordance with the regulations, such consent may also be expressed through the settings of the Internet browser. Detailed information on changing the settings for Cookies and their independent removal in the most popular Internet browsers is available in the help section of the Internet browser and on the following pages (just click on the appropriate link):

in Chrome

in Firefox

in Internet Explorer

in Opera browser

in Safari browser

in Microsoft Edge browser

  1. The Administrator may use the Google Analytics and Universal Analytics services provided by Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland) on the Website. These services help the Administrator to keep statistics and analyze traffic on the Website. The collected data is processed as part of the above services to generate statistics that are helpful in administering the Website and analyzing traffic on the Website. This data is of aggregate nature. By using the above services on the Website, the Administrator collects data such as the sources and medium of acquiring visitors to the Website and the manner of their behavior on the Website, information on the devices and browsers from which they visit the website, IP and domain, geographic data and demographic data (age, gender) and interests.

  2. It is possible for a given person to easily block the provision of information about their activity on the Website to Google Analytics - for this purpose, you can, for example, install a browser add-on provided by Google Ireland Ltd., available here:

  3. In connection with the possibility of the Administrator using advertising and analytical services provided by Google Ireland Ltd. on the Website, the Administrator indicates that full information on the principles of processing data of persons visiting the Website (including information saved in Cookies) by Google Ireland Ltd. can be found in the privacy policy of Google services available at the following Internet address:


  1. The Internet Service may contain links to other websites. The Administrator encourages that after going to other websites, you should familiarize yourself with the privacy policy established there. This privacy policy applies only to the Administrator's Internet Service.

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